Organized Chaos
It’s time to take a behind-the-scenes look at the workspace of Kathleen Care. This is where the magic happens! Its a mess really but I swear I can find most everything..... most of the time.....
It’s not a huge space but its a step up from the early days. I started my business working on my couch with four plastic storage bins filled with gemstones, metal wire and chain. My husband felt sorry for me (or maybe he was annoyed) and bought me a proper desk.
I have lots of fun tools. I use two different size torches (fire!!!), Dremel tools for sanding, buffing, polishing, etching, texturing, etc, and about 2 dozen different types of pliers. I also use different surfases like solid wood and a granite. Each of my surfaces work differently with the metal and gives me the ability to do a range of texturing on the jewelry.